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Thinking Oasis is a Jordanian non-profit organization that designs, packages, and enables learning solutions that provide opportunities to develop contemporary competencies in the twenty-first century.

Our learning journeys are customized and designed around the learner’s needs, ensuring the sustainability of acquired competencies that will support their excellence and prepare them for yet-to-emerge fields in the future, with a primary focus on the enhancement and development of critical thinking skills.

Learning critical thinking must become a lifelong endeavor; it’s the development of a habit of mind that allows individuals to successfully make decisions in a process of thinking they consciously follow yet has been developed by practice and trailed habitually.

Therefore, at Thinking Oasis, we have developed a methodology in Education that is embedded in various learning projects that combines various methods, promoting and developing critical thinking skills

Our Vision

Quality accessible education that develops capabilities that align with the demands of the unknown future

Our Mission

To lead in providing learning solutions designed to develop critical thinking skills as a required competency to excel in the 21st century

Our Objectives

· Provide quality learning opportunities that develop 21st-century skills, and focusing on critical thinking skills as a primary competency.

· Build partnerships that align and merge efforts towards providing better learning opportunities

· Assure sustainable capabilities that prepare learners for the ever-changing future.

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